Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror what do I see when I stand in front of you, your lies blaring at me.

I stand, and I stare,

I pinch and compare.

I bend and contort because my reflection- this brain only distorts.

Mirror, mirror I hate you today but you make it so hard to walk away.

The lies of my past you only empower,

Allowing the deceiver to make me shake and cower.

I pace, and I cry trying my hardest to hush the voices inside,

Mirror, mirror SHUT UP! I’m sick of all your lies!

I spiral and crash stepping on and off the scale next-

My hands are trembling as I try to reach out with a text.

‘SOS!’ I type praying someone will help me fight- they don’t know I’m on my knees the porcelain god about to set my emotions free.

Crying and sobbing- whispering, “lord just please hold me tight- don’t let me open Pandora’s box again tonight.”

Mirror, mirror why can’t I see what God does when he looks oh so lovingly at me?

A daughter, a princess, an heir to the throne,

A child he loves enough to give up His son to this world.

He sees me as chosen, as loved, as enough,

My child, he says, in me place your trust.

You were fearfully, wonderfully, perfectly made,

I knew you full well before your mother gave you your name.

I fight to get free and get up off my knees,

Knowing in my heart that with Him I can just be.

Oh mirror, mirror don’t you see,

With God by my side you can’t control me.

He wants me, He loves me, He calls me as his own-

I don’t need you to have my purpose be fulfilled.

Mirror, Mirror, don’t you see,

Man looks at the outside, but God sees the real me.


Scripture adaptations:

Psalm 139:13-14:

            “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”


1 Samuel 16:7:

“…For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”